Cthulhu Usage

If you dont have cthulhu/cache_tool, you can download it from here

Refreshing the HOME menu Icon cache

  1. Navigate to HOME Menu icon cache management.
  2. Navigate to Clear HOME Menu icon cache. and press (A) to confirm and reboot

Editing the activity log

  1. Navigate to Activity Log management.
  2. Navigate to Edit software library.
    • This process takes some time.
  3. Navigate to the title you want to edit
  4. Once your changes are done, press (B) and save the changes.

Clearing the activity log

  1. Navigate to Activity Log management.
  2. Navigate to Clear software library. and press (A) to confirm.

Unwrapping all HOME menu software

  1. Navigate to HOME Menu software management.
  2. Navigate to Unwrap all HOME Menu software. and press (A) to confirm.